

Lovid 19 Locandina corto animazione 3D


In the first days of quarantine, many were at home bewildered and bored and we mainly talked to each other via chat or video call. During one of these conversations, director Alfonso Pontillo's proposal to some acquaintances of the sector to spend time together, creating something that dealt with the hot topic of quarantine. So, for fun, the idea of Lovid-19 was born, a short animated film that had to be finished by the end of the quarantine and here 5 people jumped into this adventure that involved a work of almost 40 days practically H24, skype calls and conferences of 20 or more hours each from various parts of Italy and the world.

This is the story of Lovid-19, created with a movie poster, trailer and making of, a short film that has actually started a successful working collaboration that has become indissoluble today.

Are you an insider, a nerd or just curious? Here's the project's Making Of.
